Twin Brooks Property Sold


After years of opposition that stopped several plans,  the 40 acre Golf Course behind the Irish Village (former Sheraton Hotel)  at 35 Scudder Avenue,  Hyannis, AKA “Twin Brooks”  has sold to Riverview School for $9.8 M.

In 2016 the Oceanside Performing Arts Center had a contract to purchase the property for use with the Symphony but NIMBY opposition from neighbors and lack of funding ultimately ended the plan.  

After decades of residential development swamped the area,  this property became a symbol and a scapegoat.

At one point the Barnstable Land Trust actually engaged professionals to engineer plans which were submitted to the owner telling him to tear down the 200 + unit hotel with 10,000 SF of conference space and replace it with a much smaller facility.  To a business person this of course was equivalent to someone telling the Land Trust people to tear their houses down and build smaller ones.

After decades of obstructing large apartment complexes,  the Cape Cod Commission actually approved a 312 unit development on the property for national developer Lennar.  However,  opposition led in part by Felicia Penn,  now Barnstable Town Council President,  sued the CCC and thereby stalled the project from moving forward in Town permitting. 

Eventually the project was deemed impossible to proceed through the necessary permitting processes due to the outcry and put back on the market in January of this year.  Hundreds of working families were deprived of needed housing. 

The market responded well with 40 B and 40 Y proposals among others (they could have superseded zoning and NIMBY). 

But the winning party proposed a top dollar purchase with no conditions either for mortgage or permits.  Educational uses are immune from zoning and will take the property off the tax rolls.  The size of the school and or any housing development for staff or students is not known at this time.

Carey Commercial was involved in the sales of the Irish Village and the 40 acres Twin Brooks property.